Please read the following carefully before completing the attached application form.

1. A candidate for election to the Club must have the following qualifications:

    • A candidate must be employed in the Lloyd’s market and must have worked in the Lloyd’s market for not less than two years at the time of his or her application for membership.
    • A candidate must be over 21 years of age at the time of his or her application for membership.
    • A playing candidate must be a Member of, and have a WHS handicap index not exceeding 18.4 at, a recognised UK Golf Club

2.  All Members shall be elected by ballot by the Committee. The Committee has full powers to accept or decline any candidate for membership of the Club without any reason being given.

3.  Candidates for election must be:

    • Proposed by one Member,
    • Seconded by another Member, and
    • Endorsed by an Officer or Committee Member of the club
    • Additionally, support from six Members will be required


  1. If you are Proposer for a candidate who is under 35 years of age, a simplified process is in place. Please contact the Honorary Secretary for more details.
  2. Officers or Members of the Committee may not propose or second a Candidate. The proposer and seconder must have known candidates for at least two years. A Member cannot propose, second or support an application until he or she has been a Member of the Club for two years. A Member cannot propose, second or support more than two applications per year. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to obtain support for the candidate. Candidates are not permitted to ‘broke’ their own slip.
  3. In the event that a candidate does not fully meet all the qualifications, the candidate and/or the proposer should contact the Honorary Secretary.  In particular, Lloyd’s Golf Club is keen to increase the number of female members so any ladies who do not meet the entry criteria are encouraged to contact the Honorary Secretary for further discussion.

Proposers should download the Members Application Form and once completed please send to the Honorary Secretary.